Monday, November 16, 2009

Drinking Tea...

Pondering the greater meaning of life....
that is, what food to get when I go grocery shopping tomorrow. Just kidding. I mean, I am going grocery shopping. But I'm not pondering that as in the sense that it is of enormous import in my life. Although, grocery shopping has become suddenly very important to me. First of all, because I'm a wife now I guess. And I have to get food for my man or he will wither away...
Secondly, I've been trying to establish (and stick to, as much as possible) some sort of healthy diet for us. I don't want to be one of those losers that buys everything pre-made, and crappified. Sorry, no offense to people that do that. I just want to sort of get back the diet I had growing up as a kid...and Matt had too. Getting fresh/organic type stuff as much as possible, and cooking as much as I can. As opposed to all the pre-made, 100 million ingredient foods. I mean, we used to make our own bread at home all the time. We never bought store bought bread! Dad even bought a wheat grinder and bags of wheat berries, and we'd grind the wheat to make flour to put in the bread. I secretly (or not so?) want to be all artsy/crafty/homemakery as a wife and mother someday....but, because of being in this stupid dental hygiene program full-time...part of that will have to wait. I really do like dental hygiene. I just cannot wait to be rid of this schoolish life revolves around school.
Well! A whole post on something I didn't even know I was wanting to write!
Matt is looking over my shoulder, and it's creepin me out, man. I was gonna write something funny about him, but he's watching, and anyway, it would probably be along the lines of a 4th grade joke.
This weekend is Jayce's wedding, and next week is Thanksgiving break! Hallelujah!

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