Thursday, September 10, 2009

So I am married.

And going to dental hygiene school. So, in other words, avoiding homework right now by writing this. But I just finished "I Capture the Castle" and it so inspired me to write again. Why I start, then stop, then start, is beyond me. I guess I'm a poor excuse for a writer. I would love to live in London, for I imagine there's lots of good writing "spots" there. But that's probably my restless point of view.

I have been married for 19 days. It's lovely, really. Besides the times when Matt, the husband, is as disgruntled and silent as...well...his puberty years probably. But I didn't know him then. So who am I to say? But generally, we get along quite cozily in our little apartment, when we do get to see each other. The whole I'm in school thing, while Matt works, doesn't bode well for good "bonding time". And we never did get our honeymoon. Oh well, we will someday, and I'm learning to enjoy the time I have with Matt while I have it.

Our wedding day on August 22nd was, literally, everything I could have dreamed for. Except for wishing it could have lasted so much longer into the night! We enjoyed the whole thing tremendously. And then were whisked away to Cloud Nine Bed and Breakfast in Lawrenceville. We were greeted by a creepily kind old lady with piles of white hair. She complimented me on my dress, called me Mrs. Buchanan several times, and had Matt park the car. I didn't have the heart to explain he couldn't, and anyway, it was 20 feet away. After showing us our room, and explaining a gentleman would be sleeping in the room down the hall, but would be in much later, she left us to settle in for the night. For some reason, I felt there were ghosts in there. I kept hearing things. But it was still a very nice night and morning before we left. We only wished the lady would let us eat our "cloud nine egg meringue breakfast" in peace. She asked us questions assiduously, and we answered as best as we could. We were both so full, and the breakfast she gave us was large, so we nicely asked for a container to take home the leftovers. Afterwards, we discreetly disposed of them somewhere along Route 133. The ride home was lovely. Matt and I talked and joked, and just kept smiling, and looking at our ringed hands.

Settling in, starting back to school and work, figuring out the general things in life, weren't quite as easy. But I am SO happily married, at 23 years of age.

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